Issue X, ArchivedHello,
Welcome to The Newb Files, Issue X.
NewsZombies, a Novel is making good progress. I have my scenes imported into Scrivener, and now, I write! Minimal research and plotting will be required at this point. I hope. ... 4830 words. ... OK, I'm a slow writer. However, that includes re-plotting the first twenty percent of the book in fine, and I mean fine, detail. So, woo hoo.
I may have mentioned this before, but, why do I issue a newsletter? I have decided I issue a newsletter for: me; myself; and I.
SoftwareSnowflake Pro
It would seem I am a Snowflake. Although I had started writing my novel, I had more and more of the content in my head, but not on paper, not in the computer. Then I bought the book called How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method by Randy Ingermanson, and that got me writing, not just thinking about writing. It is coming together nicely now. Yes, it is similar to how I work anyway, so this just formalizes my method. No surprise, I'm still finding what works for me. ... The Snowflake Method looks at writing as a series of steps that build on the previous step(s). So, if you were to look at a snowflake and try to draw it in one step, even a skilled artist would struggle. If you start by drawing a triangle, then add a smaller triangle on each side and so on, it builds in complexity quickly. And the snowflake that results is, we'll go with simplified, yet close to perfect. How I wrote, naturally, from the start I will call the Comet (or Snowball) Method. From a small nugget of a rough draft, each editorial pass would lay down another layer of detail, description, dialog, character and/or scene development. To the point where the four, and only four people I tortured with early drafts (sorry, won't happen again), were subjected to things like “...(future president of the USA)... rather than my writing a paragraph or even a full sentence. It would be filled in on the next editorial pass, what's the big deal? It's not, if you don't torture others with it. To check out Randy Ingermanson's website and his explanation of his method click here:
The book (on Kindle, or paperback) is well worth the price if you're interested, and you can use the software "Snowflake Pro" for free if you purchase his book. The software is well worth using, if it's free. It sold for $100 US at one time. It does NOT include a spell checker, as well as being a generation or two out of date as far as interface, file management, etc. If I had paid a $100 US, I would be upset at how it works. But, for free, it's great. ... This is my first novel, so I will let you know how it is going, and if I will continue to "Snowflake" my writing.
Monthly Newb Moment
I recently ordered a book (The Anatomy of Prose: 12 Steps to Sensational Sentences) as a birthday present to myself. It got me thinking about procrastination and all the various ways we ALL at times, avoid doing what we want to do. Be it writing, painting or whatever it is YOU want to do. As a mean (accurate) person recently said to me "oh yeah, you used to paint watercolors". No, I'm going to paint again. Soon. Right after I write a couple book reviews, finish the patio, clean up the work shop, write a novel, write a couple short stories. ... and, cook dinner. At one point, years ago, I was a member of an artist's book club. I cancelled it when I realized that I wasn't painting. I was just buying books about painting. Yet, buying a book about painting was giving me the same feeling I had when I painted. An unfortunate feedback loop to get stuck in, whatever the chosen pursuit. ... As far as writing is concerned, I am writing pretty much every day. And the books, etc. I buy for reference are exactly that. A means to an end. A way to improve, to learn, to expand my skill-set in writing. Everything you do relating to research, background development etc. for your writing is important. But, as the tag-line on my website says: "Nothing is writing, except writing". This has been a public service announcement, and, a Monthly Newb Moment combined. You're welcome.
Read Something
Below are links to a few short stories I wrote. The first three are the results from an exercise in 'voice' for the writing course I took in the spring of 2020. The fourth is the second short story I ever wrote, which I wrote as an entry for the 2020 CBC Short Story Prize. Clicking a button will take you to my author website. Science Fiction/Fantasy/Western (Foul Language/Mature Content)
Future newsletters may have Frequently Asked Questions. Send your question(s) to: Eric.
That's all for this month!
Thanks, Eric C Bailey, May 14, 2021
The Newb Files, Science Fiction and Fantasy I will never send you spam. You may unsubscribe anytime.
Copyright © 2020-2021 Eric C Bailey (All rights reserved)